Optimizing Human Health Through Effective Food Safety Measures

Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2023     |     PP. 419-437      |     PDF (210 K)    |     Pub. Date: November 6, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/cm321206    99 Downloads     263249 Views  


Akeem Opeyemi AKINBODE, Family Medicine Department, Federal Medical Centre, Birnin kebbi, Nigeria.
Basira Rabiu IDRIS, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Federal University, Birnin kebbi, Nigeria.

INTRODUCTION: Food safety affects everyone worldwide. Individuals and the public can experience health problems when proper food safety measures are compromised in any country. Food production needs to be conducted safely to optimize individual and public health. Food safety entails the protection of food supply chain at all the stages involved by preventing the introduction, growth, and survival of risky chemical and microbial agents in food items. Unsafe food containing harmful micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites), or chemical substances cause more than 200 diseases. A high burden of health problems results from unsafe food procedures annually worldwide. It is preferred that safety food measures are put in place to prevent food-diseases globally among individuals and public for health security. The aim of the article is to demonstrate the food safety issues existing in the communities from available evidence, their health implications and ways to optimize the safety procedures to ensure healthy populations.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: A secondary study in the form of review of literature through online search for articles and other academic publications from credible sources was conducted. Relevant resources were identified and evidence extracted for the review.
RESULTS: Various food safety issues were recognized, including microbial food contamination, chemical food contamination, food adulteration, food additive misuse, mislabeling, genetically modified foods, and marketing of expired foods. They can affect food products at any stage in the food supply chain.
DISCUSSION: Health impact of inadequate food safety includes diseases that affect individuals and populations from insufficient food safety procedures. The health consequences were identified and means to prevent them discussed.
CONCLUSIONS: As the health impact of inadequate food measures affect individuals and populations, it is essential that all stakeholders including physicians collaborate in ensuring proper food safety measures in order to prevent and manage the menace in humans.

Food safety measures; Food safety issues, Foodborne illness, Public health.

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Akeem Opeyemi AKINBODE, Basira Rabiu IDRIS, Optimizing Human Health Through Effective Food Safety Measures , SCIREA Journal of Clinical Medicine. Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2023 | PP. 419-437. 10.54647/cm321206


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