The Feeding Mechanism of Daphnia is not Sieving

Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2024     |     PP. 25-38      |     PDF (166 K)    |     Pub. Date: June 10, 2024
DOI: 10.54647/environmental610397    25 Downloads     2902 Views  


Gophen Moshe, Migal Scientific Research Institute, Limnology and Wetlands Ecology POB 831 Kiryat Shmone, Israel

During a historical period of more than 100 years, the function of the P3 and P4 thoracic appendages in Daphnia was defined as filtering. The role of P3 and P4 flapping was indicated as the creator of internal water circulation aimed at gas exchange (respiration) and feeding mechanism. Precise examination of in vivo cinematographic film (high-speed camera, 250 frames per second) by a slow-motion and magnified projection of solid photos of tethered Daphnia confirmed that no water flows through the intra-settular micropore spaces of the P3 and P4 trunk limbs while fluttering was indicated. Therefore, Daphnia’s feeding mechanism is suggested to achieve particle abstraction not by P3 and P4 waived sieving. Straining action requires extra metabolic energy investment, and saving it is an advantage. P3 and P4 appendages in Daphnia are not filters. These trunk limbs are compartments of internal water circulation and respiration cycle mechanisms in Daphnia. Food particle abstraction is not done by sieving, resulting in a saving of metabolic energy. Paddle or “flexible solid walls” functioned likeness of P3 and P4 indicates an optimization during evolution progress as physiological advantages are therefore justified. Evolutionary progressive development promotes resiliency and not ecological weakness. Solid walls function of P3 and P4 support ecological resiliency.

“Daphnia” “Trunk Limbs” “Feeding” “Sieving” “Flexible Solid Walls”

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Gophen Moshe, The Feeding Mechanism of Daphnia is not Sieving , SCIREA Journal of Environment. Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2024 | PP. 25-38. 10.54647/environmental610397


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