Bacteriological and physicochemical quality of sachet water sold in the city of N’djamena, Chad

Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2024     |     PP. 37-49      |     PDF (291 K)    |     Pub. Date: September 19, 2024
DOI: 10.54647/biology180370    34 Downloads     1415 Views  


Gilbert Nguepidjo, School of Medico-Sanitary Technicians of Medical Analyzes, Ministry of Public Health, Yaounde, Cameroon;Institut Universitaire des Sciences et Techniques de Yaoundé (IUSTY), Département des Sciences Biomédicales et Médico-Sanitaires.
Eliabe Allahnaissessi, Institut Universitaire des Sciences et Techniques de Yaoundé (IUSTY), Département des Sciences Biomédicales et Médico-Sanitaires.
Chimène Sandrine Tonmeu Douyong, Institut Universitaire des Sciences et Techniques de Yaoundé (IUSTY), Département des Sciences Biomédicales et Médico-Sanitaires; National Laboratory of Public Health, Ministry of Public Health, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Mireille Kapso Tchouankep, School of Medico-Sanitary Technicians of Medical Analyzes, Ministry of Public Health, Yaounde, Cameroon;University of Douala, Faculty of Sciences, Animal Organisms Biology and Physiology Laboratory
Phillipe Salomon Nguwoh, National Laboratory of Public Health, Ministry of Public Health, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Christian Taheu Ngounouh, Higher Institute of Sciences and Techniques Applied to Health, University of Douala, Yaounde, Cameroon, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Hortence Gonsu Kamga, University of Yaoundé I, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Chelea Matchawe, Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies, Yaounde, Cameroon; The University Institute of International Development, Po Box 206 Mokolo (Far North), Cameroon
Patrice Ngameni Djiele, Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies, Yaounde, Cameroon;University of Yaoundé I, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Patrice Olinga Zanga, School of Medico-Sanitary Technicians of Medical Analyzes, Ministry of Public Health, Yaounde, Cameroon;Higher Institute of Sciences and Techniques Applied to Health, University of Douala, Yaounde, Cameroon, Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Water is a precious and essential natural resource for multiple uses. Given its vital functions in human life, the bacteriological and physicochemical quality of drinking water should comply with international water requirements for public health purposes. Like many African cities, a form of water in plastic bags emerged a few years ago in N'Djamena, to meet the needs of the population. This sachet water, which mainly comes from the formal sector and is consumed daily by the population of N'Djamena, raises concerns about its quality. The present cross-sectional and prospective study aimed to determine the bacteriological and physico-chemical parameters of plastic bag water sold in the town of N'Djamena. Using a non-probability convenience sampling, sachet water samples (n=50) were collected from different brands (n=10) within the city of N'Djamena for a period of three months (March to May 2023). The physicochemical analyses of water (pH, conductivity, turbidity, NH4+, Fe2+, SO42- and NO3- levels, Na+ and K+ levels, and TH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl- and HCO3- levels) were carried out using pH meter, conductivity meter, turbidimeter, spectrophotometry, flame photometry, and volumetry, respectively. On the other hand, the bacteriological parameters (Escherichia coli count, total coliform count, fecal enterococci count, and total viable count) were undertaken using the filter membrane technique.
Based on the bacteriological parameters, all sachet water samples (100%) violated WHO guidelines and standards for drinking water quality in terms of total coliform and total viable contamination levels. Additionally, 3 out of 50 of water samples (6%) did not comply with WHO and Chad standards based on physicochemical characteristics.
This poor quality of sachet water results from poor production, storage, and transport conditions of this water. Therefore, the consumption of sachet water exposes the populations of N'Djamena to health risks.

Sachet water, bacteriological parameters, physicochemical characteristics, pollution, WHO standards, N'Djamena.

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Gilbert Nguepidjo, Eliabe Allahnaissessi, Chimène Sandrine Tonmeu Douyong, Mireille Kapso Tchouankep, Phillipe Salomon Nguwoh, Christian Taheu Ngounouh, Hortence Gonsu Kamga, Chelea Matchawe, Patrice Ngameni Djiele, Patrice Olinga Zanga, Bacteriological and physicochemical quality of sachet water sold in the city of N’djamena, Chad , SCIREA Journal of Biology. Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2024 | PP. 37-49. 10.54647/biology180370


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