Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022     |     PP. 1-10      |     PDF (343 K)    |     Pub. Date: January 14, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/biology18175    86 Downloads     5588 Views  


Edmundas Lekevičius, Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania

Species diversity is supported by trophic specialisation and the variability of environmental conditions in space and time, in other words, it is a form of the division of labour (a);Biodiversity helps to stabilise the functions (essential variables) of individuals, populations, and ecological communities (b);The emergence of biodiversity is determined by heritable variation and the advantage of specialised (more effective) structures over non-specialised ones (c);Biodiversity is characterised by its ability to increase itself and to organise itself during succession and/or evolution into relatively consistent structures, which we call production pyramids and nutrient cycles; in a certain sense, the ‚ontogenesis‘ of communities recapitulates their ‚phylogenesis‘. (d).

biodiversity, maintenance, function, origin, evolution, self-organisation, vacant niches

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Edmundas Lekevičius, A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE ECO-DARWINIAN PARADIGM , SCIREA Journal of Biology. Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 1-10. 10.54647/biology18175


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